Fully Qualified and fully Insured Private Therapist


Vela shape radio frequency body contouring system.
Velashape® is a non-invasive body contouring treatment for circumferential and cellulite reduction*. VelaShape enables you to safely achieve a toned, contoured and well shaped body in typically 3 treatment sessions...

Celluma LED light therapy
Low-level light therapy (LLLT) delivered by high intensity light emitting diodes (LEDs) is a well-proven science and a popular trend in aesthetic circles today. Advances in LED technology have improved dramatically in recent years and light therapy devises are more affordable and functional than ever.
Facial Rejuvenation
Whether you’re concerned about age spots and wrinkles to uneven pigmentation and acne scars, rejuvenating skin treatments can promote cell regeneration, or plump and smooth for healthier, younger-looking skin. Whatever your concerns, we can help you discover confidence in better skin with our clinically proven treatments.